1 (833) 242-CURE (2873) info@specicare.com

Moving Beyond Genomics

After 10 Years, We Should Expect More In The Fight Against Cancer.

Where everyone else stops at Genomic Medicine, SpeciCare is just getting started.

new options. more hope.


Tissue Science™.

It’s the most advanced form of functional precision medicine in the world, and SpeciCare is pioneering it.

“If every hospital, every oncologist offered their patient Live Tissue Science™, we believe we can go from an upward to a downward trajectory of cancer in America”

Pat deGrouchy, CEO, SpeciCare®.

From 10% to 50%

Genomic Medicine was a breakthrough 10 years ago and it remains relevant today as the first stage of our work.  But cancer treatment was falling behind until “live tissue science™.”  We can advance treatment from 10% [genomic] to as high as 50% [live tissue science™] success rates. 

What Is Live Tissue Science™ [LTS™]?

By collecting live tissue, we can initiate research real-time, moving beyond routine therapies, creating access to researchers, clinical trials, ex vivo therapy testing, clinical vaccines, organoid creation and more. Our science does not stop there. We can utilize cryopreservation, which has been proven successful with fertility and core blood treatment, to enable long-term cancer treatment capabilities. 

Exponential Testing

No longer limited to the three or four paths of treatment, we can test more than 300 drugs, all performed on live tissue vs the patient.

Tumor Travels

It no longer matters where you live or whether you feel comfortable traveling, we can collect, store and test your live tissue without you leaving your community.

Future Access

The second worst thing about being diagnosed with cancer is its recurrence.  The best way to fight cancer a first or second time is to have access to your live tissue.

“Science has confirmed that ALL TUMORS ARE UNIQUE. So it makes sense that TREATMENTS MUST BE UNIQUE.  WITH LIVE TISSUE SCIENCE™, we move beyond Genomics and other treatments using the patient’s tissue as the ‘guinea pig,’ not the patient. And, while we hope no one has to battle cancer more than once, that’s not always the case. It’s critical that patients have ownership of their tissue. It’s their lifeline, free to travel with them as science evolves.”

Dr. Ken Dixon, Founder and Chief Medical Officer, SpeciCare®

How the Medical Community Advances

The global medical community knows it cannot treat cancer as if “one size fits all,” recognizing more than 9.5 million people will die this year, 14 times the number of deaths to date from the global pandemic.  Functional precision medicine with a focus on Live Tissue Science™ is how we break the wheel of cancer deaths.

*Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Why You Need To Ask About Live Tissue Options

With the adoption of Live Tissue Science™, we can change the impact of cancer not only in America, but globally.

“If I had known about SpeciCare sooner, my wife would be alive today.”

Vivek Wadhwa 

Distinguished fellow at Harvard Law School and Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering at Silicon Valley. He is also a best-selling author, has been a globally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post and has held appointments at Duke University, Stanford Law School, Emory University and Singularity University. For more information, visit wadhwa.com.

Every Tumor Is Unique and Individual Precision Medicine Brings New Hope

A patient-driven approach based on Live Tissue Science™ moves beyond routine therapies, creating access to researchers, clinical trials, ex vivo therapy testing, clinical vaccines, organoid creation and more. 

Without SpeciCare...

There would be no more options for me; I’d be living with the tumor. Now I have hope….

Elissa Reynolds, Cancer Patient

How Far Ahead of the Market Is SpeciCare?

Some brands have raised significant funds to pursue Genomic Medicine. Other brands have seen the advantages of live tissue, but have limited their use for research. No brand today has moved into Advanced Precision Medicine. We are alone in the emerging segment we call Live Tissue Science™.

cancer treatment approach

Utilizes Fresh, Live Tissue – LTS™

Preserves live tissue for future use

Offers 100% Full Control of Tissue

provides genomic testing

Patient Success Rates

Platform to develop patient directed ecosystem

Individualized Precision Medicine




Trusting the Process

“Throughout my association with SpeciCare, I have been very impressed. Their willingness to innovate, think outside of the box, and jump over obstacles, has led me to trust their processes and organization. Nick virtually held my hand through the journey.  I truly appreciate the opportunity of pursuing a more personalized approach to having cancer treatment that was made possible by SpeciCare.”

Dr. Preeti Gupta, Physician and Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer Survivor

Beyond Borders … A Friend Helps A Friend

They were long-distance friends – from the US and Hong Kong – when one was diagnosed with a brain tumor requiring immediate surgery in Hong Kong.  The US friend shared a progressive new science from a company called SpeciCare.  Understanding the importance of moving quickly, SpeciCare coordinated with the patient, a neurosurgeon, and Hong Kong, China and US delegations to collect and transport the tissue to Dana Faber [Harvard] Cancer Institute in Boston. In 2016, there were 300,000 cases of brain and CNS cancer.  There were also 227,000 deaths globally. And for a cancer with a high reoccurrence rate, the Hong Kong patient who survived, sleeps peacefully knowing his tissue is preserved at Dana-Faber should he need to use it for future treatment.

Increase Your Chances

At SpeciCare, we collect, test and preserve your living tumor tissue to change your outcome.  If a tumor is preserved, it has the power to unlock the secret to personalized care, giving the patient the greatest chance of survival.

1 + 6 =

About SpeciCare

A member of Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center [ATDC], SpeciCare is revolutionizing the cancer research, clinical care and pharmaceutical industries to give patients their best chance at survival. By increasing access to living tumor tissue, SpeciCare empowers patients to take control of their tumor tissue to offer their doctors many additional options when standard of care is not enough. For more information, visit www.specicare.com.

Office Location

999 Chestnut St, Gainesville, GA 30501


1 (833) 242 – CURE (2873)

