1 (833) 242-CURE (2873) info@specicare.com


Many for one leads to one for many. We will have individual tumor tissues for you, and specific clinical information. We want to get tissue for your general research, and we would also like to recruit you to be a part of our patient’s clinical care team to provide information back to our patients.

One for Many

We believe that the way to improve the medical care of the many is to focus on the care of the individual patient. The current philosophy of the medical care and research of today is “E pluribus unum”, Latin for “out of many, one.” The philosophy of SpeciCare is “ex uno, plures,” or, “out of one, many.”

“Specicare has been extremely valuable in the translational medicine space. While they advertise as a service and tissue vendor, they have been a partner in every aspect of the research process. I could not be where I am at today with my translational research without the guidance and insights that Specicare has provided. They have provided access to rare,valuable sarcoma specimens and networks of knowledgeable individuals that have supplemented the regulatory work, Additionally, Specicare is laser focused on their mission to help individual patients with their cancer care. I have had numerous conversations with personnel at Specicare up and down the chain of command and each person has shared their passion for helping the patient. It is a contagious optimism that efforts can and will be made to improve outcomes for patients.”

Jared Barrott, Ph.D. Assistant Professor at Idaho State University Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science College of Pharmacy

Increase Your Chances

Take ownership of your tissue to increase your chances. By preserving your live tumor tissue, you’re unlocking the secret to personalized care, giving yourself the greatest chance of survival. Collect, test and preserve your living tumor tissue today, to change the outcome for tomorrow.

1 + 1 =

About SpeciCare

SpeciCare is revolutionizing the cancer research, clinical care and pharmaceutical industries to give patients their best chance at survival. By increasing access to living tumor tissue, SpeciCare empowers patients to take control of their tumor tissue to offer their doctors many additional options when standard of care is not enough. 

Office Location

690 Medical Park Ln, Gainesville, GA 30501


1 (833) 242 – CURE (2873)

