1 (833) 242-CURE (2873) info@specicare.com

Eisenhower’s Warning

On January 17, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States gave his Farewell Address. This remarkable 16 minute speech is now known as his warning against the Military Industrial Complex. However, as he stated in his speech, this was the first of...

Out of Many, One

Many remember learning Latin in school. In fact, I am old enough to have taken Latin as a school subject for two years in high school. Therefore, I know that “e” means “out of”. And “unum” means “one.” And “pluribus” means “many”. So, if you look on the back of that...

Why SpeciCare?

Why should any cancer patient question the “standard of care?”  The standard of care is the thoroughly vetted and accepted way of providing cancer care.  Most of the time, it provides the best opportunities for cure and survival.  And, if this is so, is it not the...

Our Part of the Human Condition

This past Tuesday evening, I attended the nursing pinning ceremony for Shelia Thomas, who worked with me for the past fifteen years as a CNA before going back to nursing school. At her ceremony, the main speaker played a powerful four minute video created by the...